I’ve been sitting with this for a little while now.
The seeds planted through experience, witnessing & then reflection have now blossomed into change.
I have always gone off the beaten track & made my own path. It is time to do so again.
A way for some to move through life using sayings and hiding behind identities as a crunch to lean on, bypassing their actions and not taking accountability.
I have always been my own guide. Taking what aligns with me and letting go of the rest.
I feel now that it is right for me to move in a different direction. Rebrand what once was my ‘Spiritual Workshops’ into something moving in accordance with my ethics and values.
I may be replacing old words with new ones, though the intention holds so much more meaning…
Now begins a new era, one of the same authenticity with a little more fire. For I am done with the pretense of spiritualism and how so many are hidden behind masks.
Not much is going to change except for every little nuance. Every choice going forward will have this new way in mind. My way. Set apart, left of center with a sprinkle of hard truths if necessary. Unmasking of oneself so that all may feel they have space to do so.
Not only going forward in my work but continuing so in my day-to-day life I shall always choose what aligns with me, where my soul leads. I will walk poised with wisdom and confidence. I hope to be an example for you, an example to take up space, to jump at opportunities, to leap with faith, to speak up & to always choose love.
Sometimes there is a calling for sweetness and sometimes sugarcoated niceties just don’t help. Sometimes what we need is the truth, with a supportive hand at our back‘s and an open space where we can all be real.
Gatherings where we show up as we are however it may look on the inside because I don’t do surface level. I want you to feel comfortable enough to let down your guard & let love in
Chilli xx
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